The Challenge I See

Recently, I was seeking guidance from the Lord on if I should exert more control over my daughter's schedule or choice of activities in order to reserve time for more "ministry."

Praying about it, the answer that came kind of surprised me, and I imagine it would be unexpected to you as well.

My answer was...........You don't need to get her involved in a particular outreach ministry.  You need to be better at leading her, guiding her, encouraging her, to LOVE the people that she comes across in her everyday choice of activities.

Can I just admit, this is not an easy order.  This is not an easy answer.  We already do our best, I thought, and now I am called to lead her to do better.

Honestly I can think of other ministry outreaches that would be easier.

LOVE........ all of those people?  Certain faces and personalities come to my mind.  I know these people.

"Oh Lord help me.   I want to Lord.  YOU please help me to meet this challenge."

It's not an easy order for this Mom.

How about you?  Is there someone or certain personalities that you need to work on loving, and teaching your children to love?

Let's be praying that we get better at this, because this is a great commandment towards our fellow man.

I love how 1 John 4 speaks to the calling to love.  Here is a lovely verse to meditate on:

1 John 4:7 
 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.  (KJV)

Thanks for sharing some life with me through the blog.  I am always thrilled to hear from you in the comments.

And in-case you have teens or very young people  in your life, here are a few  other articles that I wrote specifically with them in mind: >Here, this one speaks to surviving junior high or social challenges of youth.
>This one speaks to how to deal with the mulligrubs or the blue moods. (courtesy of my good mother's raising of me!)

 Love in Christ,
Tammy @ Grandma Mary Marthađź’–
