
Hi friend !

Do you Love the Lord, or you are open to learning about the mystery that is Him?

Do you love to be creative, in the kitchen or craft room?
Do you love girl time sharing from the heart?

If you answered, "Yes," to those questions, then this is a blog you would like.  I encourage you to subscribe, and talk to me in the comments.

I have two other blogs, with another one in the plans this year.  (All of my blogs are linked on my facebook page profile) This blog is my home-blog, my first blog, containing more of my HEART.

I invite you to explore, subscribe, travel some of life journey with me here in this blog.

God bless you in the Sonshine (sunshine of the Son, Jesus)

In the meantime here are some categories to check out:

Recipes: pies, cakes, and more (This category, as well as others may be so loaded that if you want to see all of them, click on the small words below "more posts.") 

Fiction by me
