2 Kings 5 and 6, carries again, the theme that God blesses the obedient, and rebellion and evil behavior begats undesirable consequences.
Again, I disclaim, I do not entirely summarize the chapters but rather bring forth discussion points documenting my journey through the Bible cover to cover, with my amazing blogging sisters. You can catch what Stacey blogged for this endeavor, at Scribbles and Sustenance, and Angela is doing this remarkable work of sharing links to ALL our Blogging Through the Bible work, and plus own posts, at No Longer Lukewarm.
2 Kings 5 and 6 Most significantly to me, is Naaman's healing of leprosy. A hero of his time, for his military accomplishments, he is in a position to reward his healer. Directed by his wife, upon advice of her servant who was Israelite, he packed gold, silver, and special made garments. First he goes to the king of Israel, I suppose looking for this recommended prophet. It stressed the king out because he knew that he could not cure his leprosy. He sent Naaman to Elisha, the true prophet of the one true God.
Naaman was NOT happy when Elisha, instead of greeting him personally, sent a messenger with a message to him. The messenger instructed Elisha to go to the River Jordan and wash 7 times, saying "...then you will be healed."
Initially indignant, Naaman did not respond humbley and obediently at first, but when he did, he was HEALED.
In awe of what had happened, he converted to being a believer in the God, the only true God, whom Elisha served. Elisha would not take any pay.
Knowing this, one of Elisha's assistants deviously went secretly (he thought) to manipulate Naaman, presenting false facts to Naaman to intercept dishonestly, possession of a portion of the pay that Naaman intended for the one who healed him.
When this assistant faced Elisha after his secret and devious pillage (taking what was not his), Elisha called him on it exactly, and pronounced regretful prophecy that he and his family would have leprosy for generations. Yikes.
One more detail of this story, strikes me. (2 Kings 5:18-19) Before Naaman parts from Elisha, he asks to be forgiven that his master (King of Aram, as I understand the scriptures) bows in the temple of Rimmon (false god) and "leans," ON him. Elisha responds, "Go in peace."
Now I may be wrong, but my personal opinion from that scenario is that God's mercy covers SOME guilt by association and God does not expect us to righteously object EVERY unrighteous association that we may find ourselves in. What do you think?
Husband has problem with pornography (mine does NOT), but "Go in peace." It is his spiritual problem before God, not yours.
Boss is atheist, and.... His problem. "Go in peace."
How many more ways could this apply? My opinion entirely.
In chapter 6, Elisha performs the miracle of a floating iron axe-head, and further more in accordance with his prayers to God, the Aramean army is blinded, strategically loosing their sight for a period of time, and yet when they were literally under siege, and Elisha's servant feared, Elisha prayed for his servant's "eyes to be opened" (to see the spiritual and the invisible) and he was amazed to see "hills full of horses, and chariots of fire," as the protection that the Lord had set around them.
Want to witness MIRACLES and EXCITEMENT? Read the Old Testament! Join us in reading the Bible cover to cover. Know that it is the same God THEN as TODAY.
All glory and honor to our creator, the Heavenly Father who provided us with our savior, ransom sacrifices for the world's sin, if we but accept His provision as a gift and is the same powerful today, as any time before, and will ever be... Way of salvation shared here in this post at Telling Hearts, if you would like to be a child of this one true, Almighty God.
My big take aways:
If you serve God, you are on the winning side!! If you rebel against Him, His truth, or His people, BEWARE.
There is an invisible world around us. I choose to serve the one in control of it all. How about you?
We are free to seek our own salvation and righteousness in Christ, with out carrying burden for sin of others necessarily (Naaman and his master bowing to Rimmon).
Oh Lord, I thank You for your care and patience towards Your people. You are amazing and awesome! I want to always be on Your side, the winning side. May Your Holy Spirit grow strong in me. By Your wisdom and direction, may I live, love, and serve. If/when I am in a scenario where I am near to others who are far from your will, your way, please give me insight to do the right thing, and to represent the light of Jesus Christ, my redeemer whom you provided. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen
* Would you care to LIST the miracles that God demonstrated to His people and to the world, even in these few chapters? Does God HAVE to do that? Why do you think He did/does on occasion (if you believe He still does, ever)?
* Whose side do you want to be on? How do you want to live your life, to show which side you want to be on?
* Have you ever been in a situation comparable to that of Naaman with his master who bowed to Rimmon, where you felt your morals or values were corrupt by association? What did you do? How did you handle it? Can we ever go wrong with prayer, and seeking counsel of Godly Christian family?
Thank you for joining us as we blog through the Bible. Would you share the posts, to promote interest and enthusiasm for God's word preserved?
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