Time to GROW??

I love cake.  I love cake.  I love cake.
Coffee cakes are a favorite of mine, and my bundt cake pan is my new favorite thing.  The girls in my family are getting a bundt cake pan from Pampered Chef from me this year.

On the day that I took those pictures above, I spread the yumminess by cutting and sharing slices with people in town who were volunteering at the re-cyle center and county dump.  All community service matters!!!  I appreciate them, and this is a small thing that I can do to show that I appreciate what they do.  Go here for my PEAR Coffee Cake recipe:   Telling Hearts blog, where sisters tell it messy, true, and wonderful because we are His: PEAR COFFEE CAKE recipe

Out of your comfort zone to bake and take to relative strangers, you think?  Time to push yourself a bit, to stretch that zone?  Who could you cheer with a nice gesture?

I am challenging myself.  My challenge to myself these days is, "How much can you cull through and HAUL OFF, from your house? (my house)"

Summer vacation is here.  I am a teacher, and the first two weeks of summer that is what I always do; work on/in my house...This year it is going to stretch into a month I am sure, because I am helping daughter, just a little bit, to organize and paint her room. UGH it hurts to even say it.

She is painting over her flower garden:

This is the desk that she helped paint at age four.
She had requested purple and pink striped walls (age 4).  I compromised with a pink wall, a lavender wall, and stripes on top of her desk.
Now she hates purple and lavender.  Hahahahaaha

 Yep, her floor is painted plywood, and with pets who live in this room, it has been a fine choice.  We used low VOC paints as the base and some acrylic craft paints for flower accents.

In some places the kids helped.  She was about four years old and she helped paint her desk.  Her brother (who is now grown and married) begged to help paint some of the flowers, and his gargantuan blue-bonnet was her favorite flower in the whole room!!

I myself... I prayed for months before I painted this room.  I knew what I wanted to do.  I knew the overall effect, but felt quite intimidated and insecure.  I had very little experience painting flowers.

God answered my prayer and gave me vision, guidance, and skill enough that by His help, this room was for ten years, a standing tribute of love for my daughter to live in.
The dollhouse I bought for really cheap at a garage sale.  Most of these years, it has been the shelf (from the back) where she stores all items for the two DOGS that live in her room!

But ultimately I must acknowledge that growth is a good thing, even if it means that my daughter is growing up, and the flower garden room no longer is the best reflection of her personality.  We take pictures to treasure, and we move on.

Towards turqoise, teal, ocean colors, plus grey and yellow we paint and we grow.  New pictures coming..

What ways are you and yours growing?

Wishing you a wonderful tasty and beautiful journey of growth,


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