Pray Scripture Every Chance You Get

What a blessing Sundays are to my family!  We go to church to offer praise, learn, be obedient, give, fellowship...but we are blessed beyond blessed.  Our preacher has been speaking to us about speaking positive, expecting good, because of who we are in Jesus Christ.

A lovely sister got up to make announcements and shared that she prayed Psalms 112 over her husband and her sons.
Thank you Tracy!!  

After church, my daughter and I read that chapter to her daddy, and then I prayed it over him.  

Would you like to read it and try?

My prayer was something like this:

Thank you Father, that Daddy Paul is a man who fears the Lord, and seeks to please you.  Thank you for what you have grown inside of him, so that his seed, our children and grandchildren will be blessed. (v.1)

Thank you Father for that blessing, that I can believe that what ever good work you did in Paul and I, which we poured into our children, we can believe it will have good and wonderful benefits from generation unto generation. (v.1 and 2)

Because of the gift of our children, we are RICH. (v.3)

Thank you Father that we can know that what ever hard times we go through, there will be light in darkness for us, your children. (v.4)

Thank you that Paul has sought to exercise discretion in his affairs, and the assurance that when we go through difficult times, that it will be temporary and not lasting. (v.5,6)

Thank you Father in Heaven, that Paul has a generous heart and desires to help people and be good and generous.  Please continue to build us both up in your wisdom and riches so that we may be a blessing over and over again to others and that we may be even better grandparents, than we were when we were parents.

Please bless all the fathers, and draw them closer to you.  Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven.  All glory and honor to You our God, through Jesus Christ we pray, AMEN

Want more encouragement to fellowship?  I invite you to read these thoughts from some sweet Telling Hearts:
