We live in a Mission Field !

It's another one of those days....... I could have found excuses, 
to NOT go to church today,
 much less go an hour earlier for Sunday school....

But miracle of miracles (THANK YOU to GOD) I did go, even to the early Sunday school class!  AS ALWAYS I am so glad I did!!  The teaching, and discussion is always BIBLE focused and Christ centered, to glorify and honor Him.  

Presently we are beginning a series where our very educated, passionate, experienced, loving brother is going to give us apologetic tools to address any philosophical or scientific doubter of the Christian faith or BIBLE.  Today he layed the groundwork and impressed upon us the importance that we BE READY to address with wisdom, love, and all knowledge that God makes ready for us, the very points of debate or contention that actually make up the WALL between some (deceived) people and their gift of salvation.  

I am SO EXCITED for this future growth in understanding.  I know there are some fabulous books* by some BRILLIANT Christian thinkers, but I am excited to think that I might learn in my Sunday school class............

Our teacher brought up a statistic... He said that 75% of young Christian university students who enter college as Christians, do NOT hang on to their faith through university, because #1 influence of NON-Christain professors, and #2 They are not equipped or prepared to address or handle the anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-faith in God mentality that saturates most college campuses.

I personally have witnessed TWO families led by young adults (not related, and in different states) from Christian backgrounds, here in the United States of America, to convert to Judaism (denying Jesus as Messiah).  What can we conclude?  We live in a mission field, and we must be diligent to seek to be used for the Lord's purposes!

And then after a delightful worship service, Brother Robert delivered the sermon I needed to hear, reminding us how blessed we are that CHRIST HAS COME !!  There are floods and fire, in this fallen world, but CHRIST HAS COME !! 

Brothers and sisters, it is a small thing that I blog for Christ, and that I use social media to speak for Him.  It was a small thing that Brother Gerald Pruett from Bearcreek Baptist Church  (Cleveland, Texas) sauntered up the isle every Sunday 18 years ago to say a few lines, in his gruff Southern drawl, including, "You don't know what you're missin' if your not in Sunday school.  Hope you'll come next week!"

He finally got me and my family there. Raising our children, we finally got in the habit.   Both of my children benefited from teaching on their level all their growing up years, because of Brother Gerald's encouragement.

I want to be someone's encouragement.

I want to see families and individuals growing stronger and wiser for Christ.

This is why I advocate speaking out for Christ on social media and anywhere He leads and opens doors.

Look for ways.... 
and be brave,  
be faithful !!

Blessings in Christ,

Tammy @
Grandma Mary Martha

I currently attend Living Waters Church, in Utopia, Texas, and I appreciate ALL the area congregations that seek to honor and glorify Jesus Christ, and the good works that they do!!  The above narrative is obviously my own words, my re-telling, and paraphrasing to express the jest as best as I can.  May the Lord's will be done in our hearts, in our community, and in all the world, as in Heaven♡
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  1. I think we as the church need to better educate ourselves on our Jewish heritage to appreciate that we were grafted into His Kingdom. Not to convert, but to better understand the holy days that God ordained and how they point to Jesus. I also am thankful for Answers in Genesis, that help Christians better understand the science that supports creation, so they are able to give an answer for what they believe.

    1. True that a person's salvation (belief or not) is NOT in my hands. I stand in total awe and reverence of the Creator, God, Savior, and I want to be educated and equipped to be able to share with love, where-ever God leads. Praise God are adopted as His through Jesus Christ.

  2. We absolutely live in a mission field and it is important that we guard our hearts and minds against the evil around us as well as educate ourselves in God's Word so that we can lead others to Him.

  3. I want to be someone's encouragement also!! Thank you for this beautiful post!! :)

  4. Thank you so much for these encouraging words. We are truly in a mission field and our actions count even if we think they are small and inconsequential. I pray that we continue to live for our God and remain faithful until he comes again ❤️.


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