My dear daughter is a teen and she still............

3 minute read

   My dear daughter is a teen, and she still......
will sit in my lap and let me cuddle her if I ask.

She still will tell me all about her classes,
her hopes,
her disappointments,
her  frustrations,
Share with me, talking for HOURS,
(her words) "about everything."

Last night about 7 p.m..  I needed her.
She had been upstairs.
I was missing her.
I had been working on my blog.
I finished and called to her.
".... will you come down and sit on my lap?"

"Do I have to...?"

"Yes, you really do...."

"O.K..." and she appeared on the landing and I saw a grin on her face.

She came down, and sat in my lap.  I am 5'10" and she is a gorgeous thin 5'7".  All 5'7" of her sat across her mommy's lap and Mommy hugged her and cradled her, and smelled her hair, and told her how much she was loved.

She showed me some funny you-tube videos she has enjoyed recently.  She told me the latest news happening with her friends.

I had needed this so badly that I think we sat like that for maybe 45 minutes, talking and sharing, and then, guess what?  She was hungry.  I made a snack and we visited more.

We cracked peanuts, munched and talked more.
She asked me about my first kiss........... She was very inquisitive.  I answered everything honestly and humbly.

We laughed.
When I teased her about something she did a year and a half ago, I laughed so hard that I was doubled over and could hardly stand.

Why, how do we have this relationship, a teenage girl and her mom?  

I think because she has never doubted that I adore her.
I am her advocate.
I respect her.
I admire her.
She also knows I am honest, because I tell her the hard truths too when she needs to know, no matter how difficult.

In neither direction do we have a one-sided relationship.  I do things for her:  make her lunch to go, sometimes her breakfast, dinner, wash dishes, cheer at her sports events.....) take her shopping and of course support her financially.

She does her own laundry, and will visit with me while I do dishes, and she will sweep and mop for me when I ask, and "dump compost."  She makes super good grades in school and is involved in school activities that can develop her character. 

I build her up daily with words.
I treat her like she is special by seeking to spend time with her.
I show her that she is capable and fun by setting and accomplishing goals and crafties while having fun with her.

What seems to be important bonding time with you and YOURS??  I would enjoy your sharing in the comments.

Tammy @
Grandma Mary Marthađź’–
Worth Noting:

I have worked hard to have this with my daughter.  I was "teachable."  Early in my parenting, I devoured books by Christian authors like Dr.James Dobson, and Gary Chapman, and I sought to apply what I thought seemed reasonable and wise.  I would recommend those authors still today, and for advice in blog (wonderful FREE resource) I recommend you go here, and learn from

 Melissa: The parenting and marriage files will build you up in your relationship wisdom and skills.

Your relationships are worth the work, and your WORK could bless your family for GENERATIONS. 


  1. Tammy it is wonderful that your daughter recognizes the love and security she has in you! Thank you so much for guiding your readers to my site. I am humbled that you think so fondly of my articles and posts. Thank you for being a wonderful encouragement to me!

    1. Thank you Melissa for sharing in my joy. I am so grateful to have found YOU....

  2. Awe. This is so sweet. Altho my girl seems to be at this age that I "embarras her" so she says. Lol because i still kiss her and do it infront of her freinds. Hope this phase passes soon but anyhow our spend time togather time is wearing footsie pajamas and watching movies laying in aaron and my california king bed. During this time she cuddles with me. She also frequently tells me to not worry about her she is going to be just fine!! I didnt think i came off as a worrier i thought i was being caring but maybe i need to revise how i ahow it. Im bot too sure. Thank you for aharing your blogs with me that are inspirational as you have Always been to me. Love your former 5th grader. ❤

    1. Oh Tina, you make my heart soar!! Thank you for being a great blessing.....

  3. Such a beautiful post Tammy. These moments are so precious and to be treasured. May God continue to bless you both as you nature this beautiful relationship.

  4. I love this! It is so wonderful to read positive things about the teenage experience. So often people will just say, "oh, just wait until you have teenagers," as if nothing can be positive about the experience. It is wonderful to know that there ARE people who enjoy each stage! I continue to be amazed at how much my love grows for my kids as their own understanding expands! Stages change, but that's how it should be!

    1. Thank you for stopping by Malinda. It has been a truly WONDERFUL journey to experience life with my children at every stage. Needless to say in my life it is the most enriching experience, beyond what I could have imagined.

  5. I wish I could have this type of relationship with my parents. I love my mother dearly there have been times in my life were her love for me has damaged me, made feel like I wasn't good enough and my father has been absent out of life since I was 5 years. Reading stories likes this allow be to feel HOPE and one day this type of relationship with both of my parents will be possible

  6. Beautiful rich and wonderful..lovely relationship with your daughter..Both mom and daughter are so blessed..well written :)


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