Prayer through the big and small

Life gets messy.
My house gets messy.

Recently I was looking for pictures of the dating stage with my husband, or early marriage to celebrate 25 years of love and learning, 22 years of marriage this month, and UGH.  I drew pictures from about three different places, and have probably three more places that I have not yet re-visited to look (in years?).  Obviously I have a problem.  So what do I do??  I say a little prayer, like in the past.

God will help me.  I will get better.  In this case, I will get organized, if He grants me time and energy.  I am hopeful that He will.

As I have committed my blog to Him, I share with you that I am at a curve in the road, that I can not see around.  School is about to start.  I have to pull back from producing blogs as regularly as I have, and focus on this mess here, and getting ready for school.  You may have guessed it had to be coming.   Know that I fervently look forward to continuing to learn about blogging, and  God growing  more in my heart to share later. 

Before I turn to the other work, I want to remember answered prayers:

Thank you God, for answering my prayers, for my babies' health, their ear-infections, 
the fevers,
the germs,
the fears and anxieties, worries.

Thank you for supplying me with amazing joy and love for the journey, and helping me to let go, to the degree that is appropriate.

Thank you for helping me survive birthday parties and to look back with pleasure.

Thank you for giving my children friends along the way,

and for miraculously, me never having to call an ambulance.

Thank you that my son loved his first home so much that he told me he was going to build his own HOUSE, right there where his swing set was.

Thank you that we survived living in an R.V. for 13 months,

building our own home,

and then living in the house "with out walls" for another year.

Thank you for the unique gifts and talents that you built in to each of my children, and for being my rock and my guide and my strength as I tried diligently to help them each become their best self for YOU.

Thank you for providing inspiration and vision, for me to paint flowers on my daughter's bedroom wall.  I prayed all the way, because I knew I was not good enough but believed you could and would supply me with what I needed.

Thank you for giving us great vacation memories, and helping us to mature and learn how to "roll with the punches," when travel mishaps are inevitable.  Thank you for keeping us safe on vacations, and for the AMAZING beautiful earth that you have allowed us to see.

Thank you for keeping my children safe, when they went off with out me, and I prayed................

Thank you for giving me energy and health to deal with countless messes before.  

Now, Lord, please do it again.  Give me energy and wisdom to appropriately manage and care for my blessings, and my messes.

Thank you for your faithful love and care Father, and so very many, countless answered prayers before.  I would not want to live this life with out You.
So I won't be blogging as much.  I must do other work.  Thank you for reading.  I would love for you to comment, and I look forward to more blogging later.
Tammy @
Grandma Mary Martha
