Picnic Party

Good thing my daughter is flexible !!   We had her 13th birthday celebration a month late, due to trying to coordinate her family schedule with her friends.  Finally four besties (minus two who were unable) joined us for a day of fun at the river.  

Of course I (Mama, aka Grandma Mary Martha, "old mother") was too busy arranging, serving, and cleaning, and accommodating, to get all the lovely pictures that I would have liked.... but I got a few, and share a few here.  I was blessed to have the help and company of another grandmother, former co-worker, and all time great friend on this day (darn, not pictures of us old ladies).  She, this special friend brought her visiting grand-daughter who has come to be like family.  

Two of the kids had vacation Bible school in the morning, and one kid had a job...  We got everyone together with the ice-chest and big tub packed for sustenance of the day, and a few foam water toys that I don't even know if they used, and we were on our way shortly after noon, heading to accommodations provided for by my parents.

Just a side comment on these girls:  They are each so very different, and each so absolutely beautiful and special, and best of all, they each desire to live for our Lord Jesus Christ. Truly God is growing them each in His wisdom, ways and grace.  They have known each other since pre-school, and it has taken YEARS for them to mature and develop this three-some friendship into the beautiful example that it is today.  They today, lift one another up, and each TRY to work through differences in love and faith (that their relationship is worth working at).  Us observing, supporting mothers and grandmothers, are in awe and grateful !

The four that go to school together were happy to welcome their friend who was visiting with family for a summer treat, and the hours went by quickly, until it was time to load up and return home for some sleep.

Now:  Some of my picnic party tips.

1) Use a flat bed-sheet, or a big piece of material, over and over,  (wash and re-use) for a table cloth to add ambiance.

2) I prefer to pack using re-usable plastic-ware rather than plastic bags, because I am hoping that it will mean less pollution.  

3) I carry food in a giant tub, and ice-chest.

4) We use plastic cups and write names on tape for identification, and also we had plastic reusable containers in lieu of plates, so that less goes in landfill from this party.

5) Because this was a "party" I decorated with colored ribbon curlies that I use over and over (preserving in a baggy) and I made some cute decorative, CHEAP containers out of paper sacks, hole puncher, tulle.  Sometimes you can pick up a spool of tulle for just a couple bucks and it is so versatile !!!  I think the pictures illustrate the hows, but if you have any questions feel free to ask in comments.

A couple sacks I cut up to make "cones" to hold candy in (leftover from another season) in another container as a bouquet of sorts:

6) About the cake:  I just did a mix, two layers of same size and another smaller on top.  I put them together and iced with homemade icing.  I texted my friend early that morning about how excited I was, and told her, "This is a favorite day of my life..... even IF my cake is messy and droopy," but you know what....... It didn't look half bad after I set the brownie muffins and grapes around the edge, so keep that trick up you sleeve sister!!

The glass cake pedestal that I used, I literally picked up at a thrift store for $2.  The actual plate top of it was too small, so I adapted it.  I wrapped a huge candy-cane striped Christmas plate in a piece of plastic table cloth left over from wedding preparations and set it on top.  Worked GREAT !!

Lastly, more pictures of the leftovers at home.  Finally more pictures.............. Today I am exhausted.  The girls (another visitor here) are to eat left over sandwich fixings and can you believe I couldn't GIVE the candy away yesterday?  

It was my pleasure to share with you here.  Hope you enjoyed it, and got some ideas that you may use.

I would enjoy reading about any of your favorite picnic party tips in comments below.  

I am wishing you a happy life, in Christ.  If you do not know Him, but would like to, I would be so happy to chat with you.  Just leave me a message.
Grandma Mary Marthađź’–


  1. Great job my friend. You must have wore a different hats that day. Making our kids happy is the best exhaustion I would never get tired of. She look so happy and what a blessing to have friends that love Christ.
    Having a picnic gathering is one of the things I would want to enjoy with my family but given the circumstances with my little boy who would rather run around like a donkey than enjoy the picnic snacks and sceneries with us. I hope someday we will have a great picnic experience, just enjoy the view and the food, and each other. There will come a time..As Solomon said, "there is a time for everything.."


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